
                                      Preparing for a Winery Tour


Embarking on a winery tour comes with certain expectations.  These preparations are critical for those who are going for the first time.


It is important to have a clear picture of the area.  In case you are on a guided tour, you need not worry much.  But in case you are part of a group that is there by themselves, you need to have maps, whether paper or electronic, to help you get around.  Vineyards are far from urban centers.  You do not want to get lost out there.


This winery tour should not be taken on an empty stomach.  This shall help you not get intoxicated too fast.  Those who drink on a regular basis may have developed a higher threshold.  You, therefore, need to analyze yourself.  You can improve your tolerance by taking a glass with each meal some days before the tour starts.


You should also spend some time at the shops within these wineries.  They will have some fine wines you cannot get anywhere else.  Their prices shall also be friendlier than what you get elsewhere.


You may ask for a private tour.  If not, you shall have to take the group guided tours.  Private tours are common in their offseasons. Get more facts about wine tours at


You need to check if there are complementary featured wines before paying for the tasting.  They are interested in spreading their name, and so will offer some if there are any.

You can also ask for more info here about wines.  You will be left in a better position to know which wines go with which meals, and such knowledge.  You could also get some education through online wine courses before planning such a tour.


You can ask to take some of the wines you are interested in buying before you do.  You will hear of cases where the wine one thought was the best ended up not being so.  This saves you a lot of money, as you make better choices.


You need to take lots of pictures on your tour.  There is no better way to keep memories of the great time you just had.


You also need to make proper travel arrangements from valencia spain, especially for when you leave the winery.  Most of you will have taken a few glasses, and so will not be the right people to drive.  There is a high likelihood the wine will impair tour driving and lead to an accident.  You also do not want to get on the wrong side of the law.  You need to conduct yourselves with caution while on tour abroad, and not infringe on the local laws.